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Chinese Elink interested in meter replacement in Serbia

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Representatives of the Chinese company Elink confirmed today that they want to participate in the replacement of classic meters in Serbia and the introduction of advanced measuring systems.
They talked with the Minister of Mining and Energy, Zorana Mihajlovic, about cooperation in the process of energy transition, opportunities for investments in the sector of renewable energy sources, as well as about modernization and introduction of technological improvements in the work of Electricity Distribution of Serbia (EPS).
“Serbia is an important factor in the region, an energy hub, and our idea is to cooperate more closely in the use of new technologies that we have developed, which are used to monitor the work and improve electricity distribution,” said Elink’s regional sales manager in the east Europe, Xuming Sun.
He added that the company is ready to participate in other projects related to renewable energy sources, and that they want to talk about having an Elink regional base for production, development and cooperation with young talents in Serbia.
“The law on the use of RES, which meets the highest world standards, is an opportunity for us to cooperate with the best companies in the field of the green agenda. The book of projects, which we will present in September, is a realistic presentation of the potential of Serbia, and companies from China are welcome to participate in the realization of those projects, especially in the part related to hydrogen strategy, solar and wind power plants,” said Zorana Mihajlovic.
She pointed out that the value of those projects is 17 billion euros and that Serbia wants to cooperate with all world companies, Nova reports.

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Serbia Energy News