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Collaboration between Toyo Tires and the faculty of technology

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The contract that opened the door to the expansion of the successful collaboration between the company Toyo Tires and the Faculty of Technology of Novi Sad was signed at the Rectorate of the University.

The new cooperation agreement contains two directions of research that will take place simultaneously. The first is related to obtaining raw materials for the production of tires from renewable sources, and the second concerns obtaining raw materials for the production of tires by recycling waste tires.

The research team consists of researchers and professors from the Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad, mostly from the Department of Chemical Engineering who, in cooperation with researchers and experts from Germany and Japan, will conduct research in the direction of developing environmentally friendly tires.
The general director of Toyo Tires Holdings of Europe GmbH, Kenta Kuribayashi, reminded that they started their business in Inđija, and that the latest cooperation they achieved with the University of Novi Sad is very important and significant for them.

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Students will have great benefits from this contract that we signed today. It is very exciting for us that students will come to us and have the opportunity to enrich their knowledge and gain new experiences – said Kuribayashi.

According to the Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Prof. Dr. Biljana Pajin, the university and the company Toyo Tires share innovation and knowledge transfer, and both parties will benefit.

Students will have the opportunity to study in the production plant already during their studies – said professor Dr. Pajin.

The cooperation between the University and the Toyo Tires company was made official by signing a memorandum of cooperation on August 26th, 2022, when a special agreement was also signed between this company and the Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad.

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