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Regional roaming charges cut with deal signed in Belgrade

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A regional agreement that will enable significantly lower roaming charges in the Western Balkans starting July 2019 has been singed on Thurday in Belgrade.

The deal was signed at the 2nd Western Balkans Digital Summit, organized by the Serbian government, Tanjug, the media sponsor of the event, is reporting.

The agreement was signed by the representatives of the Western Balkan Six, and by Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic on behalf of Serbia.

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In the first stage, roaming charges across the region will be 27 percent lower from July 1 and are expected to be scrapped altogether from July 1, 2021.

Under the deal, roaming charges cannot be higher than RSD 22.4 dinars per minute and text message charges can be no higher than RSD 7, while the maximum data transfer charges are RSD 21.4 (all not including VAT).

Roaming charges for Albania will drop by as much as 85 percent since the country was not a part of a 2014 agreement signed by Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The agreement was signed under EU auspices.

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Source; B92

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