The total foreign trade exchange of Serbian agrarians with the world last year amounted to EUR 7.9 billion, which represents an increase of 20.1% compared to 2021.
Goods worth EUR 4.8 billion were exported, which is an increase of 13.4% compared to the results from 2021, with a share of 17.3% in total goods exports. Goods worth EUR 3.1 billion were imported, which is 32% more than in 2021, with a share of 8% in total goods imports.
The surplus in the foreign trade exchange of agricultural and food products for the ten months of 2022 amounted to EUR 1.6 billion, which is a decrease of 10.8% compared to 2021. The coverage of imports by exports is 151.9% and is less than the coverage in 2021 when it was 176.9%, it was stated on the website of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
According to the structure of agricultural exports, the most represented export is fruit and vegetables with 24.3%, cereals with 20.4%, tobacco with 9.7% and beverages with 8.1%. We mostly imported fruits and vegetables 19.4%, coffee, cocoa, tea, spices and their products 11.2%, and tobacco 9.2%.