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National Bank of Serbia introduces contactless payments for DinaCard users

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The National Bank of Serbia, which oversees the DinaCard system, has announced that contactless payments are now available with DinaCard payment cards. Starting from June 1st of this year, all newly issued (and reissued) DinaCard cards from banks will feature contactless payment functionality.

The rollout of contactless DinaCard cards involved extensive preparations by both the National Bank of Serbia and banks to ensure that contactless cards are accepted at all POS terminals nationwide. According to the plan and prior announcements, contactless DinaCard cards began being accepted on the acceptance network (POS terminals at retail locations) in the first half of the year. Following this, certification for all banks participating in the DinaCard system for issuing contactless DinaCard cards was completed, and banks have since started issuing these cards to customers. Now, banks offer all types of products within the DinaCard system with contactless technology—DinaCard single cards (for domestic use only), DinaCard-Discover cards, and previously available DinaCard-UnionPay cards.

In addition to being user-friendly and convenient, contactless DinaCard cards allow users to make payments at retail locations without entering a PIN for amounts up to 6,000 dinars. For transactions exceeding this amount, a PIN entry on the POS terminal will be required, enhancing security.

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