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Solar power plants in Serbia: Balancing renewable energy development and agricultural preservation

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Experts in Serbia emphasize the importance of avoiding the construction of solar power plants on arable land to protect agricultural interests, crucial for the country’s economy.

A significant concern is the prevalence of traditional solar power plants, rather than agrosolar plants, in Vojvodina. Agrosolar plants allow for dual land use, combining electricity generation with agricultural production. However, opinions on whether agrosolar plants effectively protect arable land vary among experts.

Local experts from agriculture and energy sectors unanimously oppose building solar power plants, or any renewable energy infrastructure, on arable land in Vojvodina or elsewhere in Serbia. They argue that such projects pose a threat to agricultural production and contribute to the ongoing reduction of arable land, which is already diminishing due to various factors, including infrastructure development.

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Milan Prostran, an agroeconomist, advocates for using non-arable land for renewable energy projects, thereby avoiding harm to agricultural production. He stresses the need to preserve arable land, especially considering the existing decline in agricultural area.

Vojsilav Vuletić, general secretary of the Serbian Gas Association, shares Prostran’s stance, opposing the sacrifice of arable agricultural land for renewable energy development. He suggests utilizing non-arable land, such as Deliblatska peščara, for solar panel installations and other renewable energy sources.

The debate underscores the delicate balance needed between promoting renewable energy and safeguarding vital agricultural resources in Serbia.

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Serbia Energy News
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