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Tag: business

Trade dynamics in November 2023

November 2023 marked the eighth consecutive month of decline in the value of foreign trade turnover on a year-on-year basis. Compared to November 2022,...

Innovative strategies to propel Serbia’s economic growth: Insights from the Chamber of Commerce (PKS)

Marko Čadež, Chairman of Serbia's Chamber of Commerce (PKS), recently addressed the challenges hindering the progress of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in...

Surplus in Serbian services trade: Insights from 2022 and 2023

Serbia's trade balance in services has shown a surplus for both 2022 and 2023, according to preliminary data from the National Bank of Serbia...

Serbia navigates path to join the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

Tanja Miščević, the Minister for European Integration, emphasized today to the Beta News Agency's Daily European Service the importance of Serbia meeting legal criteria...

Serbia’s first electric car: Production begins at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Serbia plant

The Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Serbia plant in Kragujevac has begun production of prototypes of Serbia's first electric car, designated for "Crash" tests and other...

Driving economic growth: Svilajnac’s thriving business environment

Svilajnac, located in the Pomeranian District, is rapidly emerging as a hub for entrepreneurs, evidenced by the increasing number of businesses investing in the...

Navigating Serbia’s electricity pricing puzzle: Balancing business needs and political realities

Zoran Drakulić, president of the Serbian Business Club Privrednik, expresses concerns about the soaring prices of electricity in Serbia, highlighting that a megawatt now...

Belgrade stock exchange update: Beleks15 Index gains 2.2% last week

Last week saw a notable rise of 2.2% in the Beleks15 index, the most liquid shares index on the Belgrade Stock Exchange, as announced...
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