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Tag: business

Insights into Serbia’s economic landscape: Trends, challenges, and prospects

Serbia's economic landscape reflects a diverse range of activities, with the non-specialized wholesale trade sector dominating the business scene. Over the past five years,...

Alta Pay Group acquires significant stake in Addiko Bank AG

Alta Pay Group, owned by Davor Macura, has reportedly acquired around 30% of Addiko Bank AG shares, aiming to become the bank's largest individual...

Insights from the annual assembly of the German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce

At the annual assembly of the members of the German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the results of the economic analysis titled "Trade Relations between Serbia...

Microsoft director highlights Serbia’s growing role in technology innovation

Despite a decrease in the number of job advertisements last year, the demand for programmers remains robust, with salaries averaging close to 280,000 dinars...

Unveiling challenges in Serbia’s virtual office industry: Regulatory gaps and compliance issues

In recent years, virtual offices have emerged as a burgeoning business trend. A quick Google search reveals an increasing number of individuals offering company...

Advancing Serbian startups: Navigating challenges and opportunities

The report from the "Digital Serbia" Initiative reveals a remarkable surge in both the number of domestic startup ventures and their workforce over the...

Interest grows in Serbian corporate bonds

The Serbian financial market is abuzz with anticipation as the Ministry of Finance gears up to introduce several corporate bonds onto the domestic market. According...

Gas station owners advocate for fair pricing amidst diesel subsidy restrictions

The decision to restrict the amount of Euro diesel available to farmers, aimed at curbing the resale of subsidized fuel, has been welcomed by...
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