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Tag: economic growth

Serbia to export beef to China: Free Trade Agreement benefits

Tomislav Momirović, the Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade, revealed today that Serbia is poised to commence beef exports to China. Speaking to TV...

Serbia’s responsible economic policy in comparison to global trends

During a recent statement in Washington, Minister Siniša Mali pointed out the significant disparity between Serbia's public debt relative to GDP and the global...

Progress and challenges in Serbia’s investment landscape: A closer look at the investment opportunity map

In the past year, Serbia has taken significant strides in showcasing its investment potential to the global community through initiatives such as the Investment...

Economic policy update: Understanding the temporary halt in housing construction

Construction, a vital economic sector, significantly contributes to a country's GDP by adding value through various projects. Historically, construction's share of GDP has ranged...

Serbia climbs rankings: Economist intelligence unit report highlights business environment progress

In a recent analysis conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, the research arm of The Economist magazine, Serbia has secured the tenth position among...

Serbia nears IMF agreement: Evaluating economic stability and investment prospects

The Serbian government recently concluded discussions with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as part of the third review of the ongoing Stand-By Arrangement. According...

Insights into Serbia’s economic landscape: Trends, challenges, and prospects

Serbia's economic landscape reflects a diverse range of activities, with the non-specialized wholesale trade sector dominating the business scene. Over the past five years,...

Priorities for Serbia’s economic growth

Professor Milojko Arsić from the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade emphasized today that the primary objective of Serbia's new government should be to foster...
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