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Tag: EU sanctions

Serbia, NIS could avoid EU sanctions through nationalization

The takeover of Russian oil companies in Europe has taken off. - Germany and Poland took over the branches of "Gazprom" two days ago The...

NIS is not subject to sanctions

This oil company was on the verge of survival when it was taken over by "Gazpromneft", all because of the "problem" that arises when...

Is the nationalization of NIS being prepared?

After six or seven months, the story of a possible takeover of the control package in the Oil Industry of Serbia from the Russians...

Taking over majority control over the NIS is under consideration

Serbia is in a hurry to ease its energy dependence on Russia, because sanctions against Moscow are forcing Belgrade to make plans to weaken...

Serbia is often nonchalantly mentioned as a possible hub for circumventing the sanctions imposed on Russia

According to general data on the number of imposed sanctions, Russia is currently the country under the most restrictive measures. It goes without saying...

Fuel should not increase significantly due to EU sanctions

The ban on the import of Russian crude oil through the Adriatic Oil Pipeline (JANAF) in Serbia should not significantly affect the increase in...
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