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Tag: mining

Serbia is an important source of rare minerals

Today, mining is an important factor in economic activity and growth in Serbia, and at the beginning of this year, this branch of industry...

Mining sector records biggest growth in exports

From January to the end of August this year, Serbia’s exports increased by 26.2 percent, but mostly thanks to the rise in prices of...

98,000 tons of copper and 122,000 ounces of gold were mined in half a year

The global Zijin Mining Group announced that in half a year, two of its companies in Serbia produced a total of 98,000 tons of...

Zidjin is greening degraded mining areas in Bor

The company Ziđin is working hard on the greening of degraded mining areas in Bor, and the rehabilitation of the slopes of dam 1...

Zidjin announced tonight that it is investing in technologies, respecting laws and taking care of the environment while doing business

The company stated that "it carries out its activities in Serbia in strict accordance with the laws, in accordance with the highest world standards...
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