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The energy community is likely to suspend proceedings against Serbia

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Director of the Energy Community (EC) Secretariat, which launched a preliminary procedure in mid-January against Serbia for incomplete implementation of the Large Combustion Plants Directive, Janez Kopac announced today that the procedure is likely to be suspended and the reason is the National Emission Reduction Plan adopted by the Serbian Government .
The Large Combustion Plants Directive applies to the compliance with certain emission limits and came into force on 1 January 2018.
“As far as the environment is concerned, smog was a big problem this winter and there has been a lot of talk in Serbia. As a result of the commencement of our misdemeanor proceedings, the Government of Serbia has adopted the National Emission Reduction Plan and now we expect to see how that plan will be implemented and I can only hope that it will be implemented”, Kopac told reporters in the assembly.
He said they had not yet interrupted the misdemeanor proceedings because they had not yet read the plan in the EC since it was only recently announced. Our experts have to look at it, Kopac added.
He explained that the plan should not provide accurate measures, as it could be done in another document. Kopac added that there were comments in the public that the plan was not right as there were not all measures, which is not true.
“The Directive sets out the elements that must be included in that National Emission Reduction Plan and we are still studying it. We didn’t interrupt the process, but we probably will, we need to look first. It (the process) is now on hold”, Kopac said for Politika.

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