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In 2021, the Chinese companies Zijin and HBIS were the largest exporters in Serbia

The value of exports of the 15 largest exporters in Serbia in 2021 was 5.5 billion euros, and the largest exporters are the owner...

Serbia has provided additional quantities of imported energy

Due to the increased consumption of electricity, and due to insufficient production in thermal capacities caused by insufficient quantity and calorific value of coal...

Serbian government bonds are becoming part of the Euroclear platform

At the beginning of next year, Serbian government bonds will become part of the Euroclear platform. This will make it easier for foreign investors...

How businessmen see inflation in Serbia?

According to the results of the Ipsos survey from December 2021, short-term and medium-term inflation expectations of the financial sector continue to be within...

Import of nitrogen fertilizers and anhydrous ammonia to Serbia will be exempt from customs duties in the next six months

In the next six months, the import of nitrogen fertilizer and anhydrous ammonia to Serbia will be exempt from customs duties in order to...

Modernization and reconstruction of railway traffic in Serbia continue at an accelerated pace this year as well

Driving by train returns to Serbia at the big door. This, 2022, began with works on reconstruction and modernization of a total of 300...

A step towards the beginning of the construction of the Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector

The Sector for Contracting and Financing of Programs from the European Union Funds of the Ministry of Finance informed the public that an agreement...

Serbia is the majority owner of the foreign and private capital project

We are witnessing open inconsistencies of international institutions - the Energy Community of Southeast Europe, the World Bank and the EBRD, when it comes...
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