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Serbia Business News

Wind & Hydro energy projects development

   Renewable energy project development, wind & hydro projects in Serbia, offer for investors, please contact us for more at

Serbia opportunita per di interesse per gli investitori italiani, affari en Serbia

Profilo Serbiaanalisi di un' opportunitàProfilo Serbia 1PROFILO SERBIAanalisi di un'opportunitàQuesta analisi si pone come obiettivi quelli di fornire un visione d'insieme sufficientemente dettagliata, macertamente...

Guia de negocios Serbia

GUIA DE NEGOCIOSREPUBLICA DE SERBIA1serbia-business.comserbia-energy.comINDICE1.- DATOS BASICOS1.1.- Aspectos generales1.1.1.- Geografía:1.1.2.- Población y centros urbanos1.1.3.- Infraestructura, transporte y comunicaciones1.2.- Organización política y administrativa1.3.- Organizaciones y...

Serbian Companies Data Base – Exporters, Suppliers from all sectors

Looking for a reliable supplier in Serbia? Avoid risks and save time and costs by using Serbia Business company database. Serbia Business is a Trade...

Biomass registry – Energy Efficiency Agency calls for formation of unique database

The Energy Efficiency Agency has invited all companies and institutions on the territory of Serbia engaged in researching, planning, producing and ...
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Italians plan to expand product portfolio in Kragujevac by organizing production of family and taxi cars

Fiat will be manufacturing three new models in the Turin-Serbian company if the research by CEFTA and MAGREB shows that more than...

Completion of expropriation for Corridor 10 by end of 2010 – New tenders for bypass around Belgrade in August

Land expropriation for Corridor 10 should be finished by the end of the year - Zoran Drobnjak, the Director of Putevi Srbije,...

Mercator rented 22 facilities of Smederevo-based Coka for period of 15 years

Mercator S signed the contract today (August 4, 2010) with Smederevo-based business system Coka on 15-year rental of facilities, in which 9...

New line for transport on the Danube – Shorter travel on Budapest-Belgrade-Constanta route

New container ship line on the Danube, which will cut the time of transport on Budapest-Belgrade-Constanta route, will be introduced in mid-August...

Intelligent building” in New Belgrade opens for tenants

Real estate consulting company Colliers International and company Meteor reached the agreement in early August on exclusive sale of a business building...
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