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Reduced borrowing in the processing industry and energy, increased in construction

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Loans to the economy in the second quarter of this year decreased by EUR 11 million or by 0.1 percent (excluding the effect of the exchange rate change), which is a smaller decline compared to the first quarter, according to the NBS Report on Bank Credit Activity.

At the same time, the decline in receivables based on uncategorized loans and loans for liquidity and working capital was largely neutralized by the growth of investment loans and import loans, the NBS Report assessed.

Investment loans continue year-on-year growth, which amounted to 3.1 percent in June, while their share in total loans to the economy reached 41 percent.

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The decrease in loans for liquidity and working capital was also influenced by the maturity of loans from guarantee schemes, which affected the decline in loans to small businesses.

Credit to large enterprises is also on the decline, while borrowing by micro- and medium-sized enterprises has increased.

Observed by activity, the borrowing of of investment from the processing industry and energy decreased, while lending to construction companies and companies from the field of real estate business increased the most.

The credit activity of banks to the economy and the population continued to slow down during the second quarter.

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