The party of united pensioners, farmers and proletarians of Serbia – Solidarity and Justice is determined in its demands that pensions follow salaries and that a socially-guaranteed pension of at least 100 euros comes to life, the leader of that party, Milan Krkobabić said today.
He said at the Electoral Assembly of the town board of PUPS – Solidarity and Justice in Valjevo that this party advocates that empty rural houses be inhabited, that the state guarantee fund guarantees prices for farmers and that young farmers receive free state land.
“We are here because of pensioners, farmers and proletarians, because of those who live from their current and past work”, stated Krkobabić, as reported by PUPS – Solidarity and Justice.
From that party, they stated that with the state’s decision that from January of next year, pensions follow salaries, making it possible for the pensions of teachers, doctors or soldiers to grow as much as the incomes of their active colleagues grow.
It was also stated at the meeting that PUPS – Solidarity and Justice “continues the fight for workers by calling foreign companies to internal and external corporate responsibility so that our workers have the same rights as workers in the home countries of those companies, primarily through corporate contracts and profit sharing companies”.
Velimir Arsenović was elected president of the PUPS – Solidarity and Justice board in Valjevo.