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Tag: economic growth

Participation in the energy and environmental protection sectors in Serbia

Within the new branch of the European Investment Bank dedicated to activities outside the European Union - EIB Global - we plan to expand...

Serbia, Growth recorded in almost all sectors in 2022

Coke and oil derivatives have risen in price the most in a year, according to the data of the Republic Institute of Statistics. When it...

Serbia, Telekom recorded records in terms of revenue, number of users and investments

As expected, 2023 will be historic in the positioning of this company on the world market Also, in December, Telekom paid its shareholders dividends of...

Serbia, What awaits the private sector in 2023

In the New Year, the world economy, and therefore ours, entered under the pressure of several consecutive crises: pandemic, energy and geopolitical, which were...

Trade exchange between Serbia and China in 2022 exceeded EUR 5 billion

The total trade exchange between Serbia and the People's Republic of China, for the first 10 months of this year, is more than EUR...

Serbia, The first IBM development center was opened in Novi Sad today

The first IBM development center was opened in Novi Sad today, and Prime Minister Ana Brnabić pointed out that this is a big day...

How did Serbia go from being a country with high unemployment to having to import workers?

Only from the beginning of the year to November, 85,321 people were employed in Serbia, and the last cross-section of the Republic Institute of...

Serbia, Trade with the Asian region in the first nine months of this year amounted to 521 million dollars

It is expected that by 2030, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will become the world's fourth largest economy. Singapore will support Serbia's membership...
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