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Tag: fuel prices

Gas is still the most cost-effective fuel, but the gap is narrowing

These days, the prices of gasoline and diesel and the freezing of the prices of these derivatives by the state are in the foreground....

Fuel in Serbia is cheaper by about one dinar

As of today, fuel in Serbia is cheaper by about one dinar, a liter of euro diesel is 197 dinars, and the euro premium...

The Government of Serbia passed a Decree according to which new fuel prices will be established on a weekly basis

Two days ago, the Government of Serbia passed a Decree according to which new fuel prices will be established on a weekly basis at...

Mali: In the next month, excise taxes on fuel will be 20 percent lower

The Minister of Finance, Siniša Mali, stated today that the state is doing everything possible to mitigate the negative consequences of the crisis that...

The government has limited the price of fuel

The Government of Serbia has prescribed that the maximum retail price of petroleum products Euro diesel and Euro premium BMB 95 is 179, ie...
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