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Tag: innovations

Serbian startup ecosystem in 2024: Growth, challenges and future expectations

The global startup ecosystem in 2024 remained dynamic, with numerous companies making an impact. However, only a handful of startups in Serbia experienced significant...

Serbia’s “Mozaik” satellite to observe the sun and capture Earth imagery

Milan Stojanović, a scientific associate at the Astronomical Observatory in Belgrade, has revealed details about Serbia's upcoming "Mozaik" satellite, the country's first venture into...

Microsoft director highlights Serbia’s growing role in technology innovation

Despite a decrease in the number of job advertisements last year, the demand for programmers remains robust, with salaries averaging close to 280,000 dinars...

“Gray Book of Innovation”– 45 recommendations for innovative entrepreneurship

The specialized publication "Gray Book of Innovations for 2024" offers proposals to relevant institutions to address administrative barriers faced by innovators in order to...

Innovations are key to turning our economy in the right direction

The National Alliance for Local Economic Development, NALED, has declared 2023 as the year of innovation. According to Jelena Bojović, Program Director at NALED,...

Serbia’s Tech Renaissance: Innovations and Sourcing Transformations for the EU

Serbia has rapidly positioned itself as a tech hub, embracing innovation and attracting international attention for its dynamic tech ecosystem. explores how Serbia's...

Serbia, IT entrepreneurs make robots and digital beehives

The electronics industry has been the pride of Niš and the entire south of Serbia for decades, so the development of IT companies that...

Rebranding of Serbia through innovation

Serbia and its talent that works on the development of innovative technologies and products is increasingly recognized in the world. Innovations and technologies are...
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