On Wednesday, the German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce invited companies from Serbia and the countries of the Western Balkans to be suppliers to German companies, as part of a project it has been implementing for nine years.
More than 50 German companies have applied for the meeting where they will talk with interested suppliers, which will be held in Cologne on October 12. The deadline for submitting the application is July 28, reports Beta.
For suppliers, German companies are interested mainly from the metalworking sector, the supplier sector for the auto industry, the processing and production sector of plastic materials, as well as a smaller number of companies from the electrical and electronic sector.
So far, more than 3,500 direct meetings of businessmen have been organized within the regional project “German initiative for finding suppliers in the countries of the Western Balkans”, during which numerous contracts were concluded.
This initiative has been implemented since 2015 under the auspices of the German Ministry of Economy and Energy as part of the Program for the Development of Foreign Markets for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of Germany, with the support of the representative office of the German economy in the countries of the Western Balkans (AHK), as well as the German Association for Materials Management , import and logistics (BME e.V.).
The partner In the project is the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia.