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Serbia Business News

Tenders for hydropower plants on the Ibar in 2011

General Director of Serbian Electric Power Industry (EPS), Dragomir Markovic, said on July, 9th, that the first tenders for the construction of...

“Panonka” sold for 200,000 euros

Privatization Agency signed on July, 9th, a contract with the company "Kinđa Agrar" from Kikinda on the sale of the food industry...

Investments in the chemical industry to increase export revenue

Minister of Economy and Regional Development Mladjan Dinkic announced on July, 9th, a new investment plan for the Factory of synthetic rubber...

Businessmen from Italy in Visit of the Industrial Zones in Stara Pazova

A group of fifty businessmen from Italy, the owners of several firms and companies interested in investing in Serbia, visited four industrial...

EPS, Seci Energia sign contract on setting up joint company

The management of the electric power industry Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) and the Italian company Seci Energia signed a contract on setting up...
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Contract on constructing Ub–Lajkovac section on Corridor 11 signed

Minister of Infrastructure Milutin Mrkonjic and a consortium of Serbian companies signed a contract on the construction of the Ub–Lajkovac section of...

€10m for fruit growing in southern Serbia

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Sasa Dragin and Danish Ambassador to Serbia Mette Kjuel Nielsen signed an agreement on cooperation...

Italian Omniapack builds foil and packaging factory in Zrenjanin

The representatives of the city of Zrenjanin and Italian company Omniapack signed a sales contract in Zrenjanin on construction of a foil ...


La Serbia è una democrazia parlamentare unicamerale. La formazione del Parlamento, che si compone di 250mandati, viene decisa tramite un sistema elettorale proporzionale, a...


Un'area di 88361 km² con 2397 km di confini fluviali e terrestri, il territorio della Serbia essenzialmente hauna composizione morfologica divisa in due parti,...
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