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Trade in CEFTA countries reached 8.8 billion euros: More than double compared to 2014

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Ministers of economy of the Berlin Process and representatives of the European Union called for the rapid implementation of the Action Plan for the common regional market, CEFTA announced today.

Danijela Gačević, acting director of the CEFTA Secretariat, pointed out that CEFTA contributed significantly to economic growth.

As stated in the announcement, in 2022 the volume of trade will reach 8.8 billion euros, which is an increase of 112 percent compared to 2014.

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Figures show that the region still has untapped potential.

In order to take advantage of these opportunities, CEFTA is committed to solving non-tariff barriers, simplifying documentation for goods and services and advancing the digitalization of trade in line with EU policies and standards.

“Our message is clear – there are no shortcuts on the way to the European Union.” A prerequisite for further progress in this direction is the adoption of decisions that have been agreed upon by the joint work of expert teams of all CEFTA parties. “Seven key decisions await adoption as a step towards further progress and the creation of a common regional market, our bridge to the single EU market,” said Gačević.

The ministers expressed full political support and pledged to prioritize activities aimed at seeking membership in SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area), emphasizing the importance of reducing payment costs within the region and with the EU.

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