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Serbia Business News

April average net salary RSD 34,952

The Serbian Statistics Office stated that the April average gross salary in Serbia amounted to RSD 48,525. The April average gross salary was...

Modernization and development of „Carnex“ Company – meat industry plans investments over 10 mil EUR

Besides many difficulties emerged because of the global economic crisis, „Carnex“ Meat Industry is successfully keeping the stability of its business and...

Marelli Motori to start production in Serbia

Minister of Trade and Services Slobodan Milosavljevic said yesterday that leading companies from northern Italy expressed interest in investing in Serbia at...

Consolidation of car parts manufacturers network in region

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Ivica Dacic stated yesterday that Serbia and the Balkans region could become very ...

Further liberalisation of trade with Russian Federation as of 1 July

The Ministry of Economy and Regional Development announced that during consultations held on 17 and 18 May in Moscow an agreement was reached...
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Beocin Business Park new corporate web site launched

Beocin Business Park (BBP) has launched today its new corporate web site partners, media representatives and representatives of the...

Six Months of Application of the new Planning and Construction Act

A new Planning and Construction Act (the „Act“) came into force in the Republic of Serbia...

Mini hydroelectric power plant on the Vlasina put in operation

A mini hydroelectric power plant of 650 kW, which cost RSD 1.6m, was put in operation today (April 28, 2010) on the ...

Wind generators in Krčedin prior to 2011 at the latest – EUR 34m invested in wind farm in Inđija

The wind farm at 100 ha in Krčedin, worth EUR 34m, will start producing electricity at the end of this or at the...

Italian Seci Energia and Electric Power Company of Serbia to form joint venture

- Italian Seci Energia and the Electric Power Company of Serbia will sign the Agreement on Wednesday (April 21, 2010) on formation...
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