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Serbia Business News

Doing Business in Belgrade Serbia

 Doing Business in Serbia in most of the cases starts and ends in Belgrade, from your arrival, stay and departure, and most important, your...

Why Serbia Business – Primus GBS

We are a private limited liability company primarily concerned with investment and business development, while also promoting Serbia internationally, as well as it’s investment...

Production of parts for machining industry – Termometal

Serbia Business Proudly presents leader in machining industry production, Termometal Ada Serbia. Our company began to work as an artisan`s shop...

Int.Vacancy Project Leader Belgrade Serbia

Our partner client is a Spanish engineering and consulting company specialized in the transport sector. They are specialized in air,...

Cooperation with Serbia distributor of photo material and equipment

Mincom company was established in 2001. and in this moment we are supplying around 300 photo stores in Serbia. Our...
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Ownership and Status of Land in Republic of Serbia

Ownership and status of land in Republic of Serbia is an issue which often troubles investors, particularly foreign ones as they are making decision...

MINEL Kotlogradnja Ltd

  MINEL Kotlogradnja Ltd.  is Enterprise  for the Manufacture of termo-energetic units and is one of the leading Manufacturer in  the...

Technologie Management Gruppe TMG

   Production consultancy German based Technologie Management Gruppe TMG completed the project on strategic development and orientation of a Serbian metal...

“Galenika” on tender

Minister of Economy said that the tender for selection of adviser for privatization of "Galenika"...
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