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Tag: telekom srbija

Telekom Srbija CEO Q&A: Going beyond Serbia – our vision for the future of telecoms

With a 5G spectrum auction expected this year, Telekom Srbija is dedicated to boosting its digital infrastructure in its home country and beyond. Founded in...

5G network will be available next year to users in Serbia

The general director of Telekom Srbija, Vladimir Lučić, announced today that the 5G network will be available to users in Serbia next year because...

Double-digit growth of Telekom Srbija in the first half of the year

The general director of Telekom Srbija, Vladimir Lučić, said that the company made excellent results in the first half of this year and that...

Serbia, Costs of Arena sports chanells higher than income in 2022.

Costs of Arena sports chanells d.o.o. in 2022, they were even 80 percent higher than income, and the total negative balance of the work...

Where does the EPS brake when it comes to the Law on the Right to Free Shares?

The Law on the Right to Free Shares foresees the distribution of 15 percent of the total number of shares of Electric Power Company...

Serbia, Elektroprivreda energy company transformation: in the eyes of the stock market analyst

Stock market analyst Branislav Jorgić said today that he is not clear about the motive behind the transformation of Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) from a...

Serbia, what lays behind increases in the prices of telecommunication services?

All possible price increases in the last year are followed by increases in the prices of telecommunication services. Packages that combine cable television, internet,...

Serbia, The Telekom Srbija Fund and Microsoft agreed on cooperation in the development of startups

Directors of Microsoft Serbia Milan Gospić and Telekom Srbija Ventures Fund Davor Sakač signed today a cooperation document which agreed on technological support for...
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